
  1. Installation/Program Structure
  2. ConDens Predictor
  3. ConDens Browser
  4. Structure of Alignment Input
  5. Structure of Data Output
  6. Regular Expressions in ConDens
  7. Modifying Default Program Settings
Proteomes tend to involve tens of thousands of genes. Rather than overloading the program with this many input files, the ConDens softwares reads an alignment mapping file instead. This file is a 2-column tab-delimited file where the first column is the gene/protein name and the second column is the path to the sequence alignment file for that particular protein.

Example of a Mapping File

Gene     FilePath
CDH1     alignments/alignment15.aln
CDH6     alignments/alignment7.aln
ORC2     alignments/alignment1292.aln
ORC6     alignments/alignment854.aln

The file paths are strictly expected to be relative paths with respect to the directory of where the mapping file is located. In other words, if the input file is located at /usr/john/msa_mapping.txt and CDH1's alignment is located in /usr/john/msa/alignment15.aln, then the file path should be msa/alignment15.aln (See Figure 1).

Figure 1: Structure of an alignment mapping file. In this example, the mapping file is located in the folder /usr/john/. To correctly annotate the location of CDH1's alignment, which is /usr/john/msa/alignment15.aln, its file path must be written as msa/alignment15.aln because that's the relative path of alignment15.aln with respect to /usr/john/, which is the folder that contains the mapping file.

Figure 1: Structure of an alignment mapping file. In this example, the mapping file is located in the folder /usr/john/. To correctly annotate the location of CDH1's alignment, which is /usr/john/msa/alignment15.aln, its file path must be written as msa/alignment15.aln because that's the relative path of alignment15.aln with respect to /usr/john/, which is the folder that contains the mapping file.
