
  1. Installation/Program Structure
  2. ConDens Predictor
  3. ConDens Browser
  4. Structure of Alignment Input
  5. Structure of Data Output
  6. Regular Expressions in ConDens
  7. Modifying Default Program Settings
The output of ConDens Predictor is always exported to a folder specified by the user. This folder, if not modified, should contain a list of sub-folders and one for each of the motifs scanned by the program. For example, if an user runs the program on motifs named "Cdc2", "Rad53", and "NES Class 1a", then he should be able to find folders of the same name inside their specified output folder for the program-run (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Structure of ConDens Output. In this example, the output data is piped to a folder called my_output with sub-folders my_output/Cdc2, my_output/Rad53, my_output/NES Class 1a that contain prediction results for the Cdc2, Rad53, and NES Class 1a motifs. Each of these sub-folders contain a file for site-level (or motif-level) predictions and a file for protein-level predictions.

Figure 1: Structure of ConDens Output. In this example, the output data is piped to a folder called my_output with sub-folders my_output/Cdc2, my_output/Rad53, my_output/NES Class 1a that contain prediction results for the Cdc2, Rad53, and NES Class 1a motifs. Each of these sub-folders contain a file for site-level (or motif-level) predictions and a file for protein-level predictions.

Each motif folder contains 2 tab-delimited files: site_results.xls and protein_results.xls. The former contains the prediction scores and coordinates for each individual motif match and the latter contains the prediction scores for each protein (which are simply the maximum prediction score calculated for motifs in the protein).

There are 7 columns in each site_results.xls file:
There are less columns in protein_results.xls files. Namely, only orf, ConDens_Score, and label remain.
